New Puppy Advice

Your New Puppy

Have you just acquired a new puppy, or are you about to get one and want to prepare? Please read the information below to find out what you need to know.

Everyone loves a new puppy, and while it’s tempting to invite all you family and friends over to see your new fur-baby, or take them out visiting, it is far better for the pup to have nothing but peace and quiet in the first 24 hours. Try to encourage all family members to handle the new arrival quietly and gently, and particularly if your new friend is quite young, allow adequate periods of rest by itself.

How Do You Housetrain Your Puppy?

The key to housetraining your puppy is patience and perseverance. Developing a routine where you take your puppy outside first thing in the morning, after every sleep, after being left alone for a long period of time, after every meal and just before you put your puppy to bed is a great starting point. Also watch out for some simple signs that will alert you that your puppy needs to go outside including walking around in circles, sitting or whining at the door and sniffing at the ground.

Of course accidents will happen, but if you catch your puppy in the act, take them outside immediately without punishing them. Praise is essential whenever they do the right thing. And consider getting a bell for your puppy’s collar to alert you to when your pup has woken up and is active.

Puppy School

While it’s a very exciting time having a new puppy, be aware it can also be quite demanding. Your puppy needs your time, care and lots of attention.  Eltham Veterinary Practice and EVP Puppy School provides a source of support and information for you on how to care for your new family member as well as getting off on the right paw socialising and learning good behaviour.

Click here to find out more about Eltham Veterinary Practice puppy school


Vaccinations are very important to enable protection against serious and often fatal diseases, so be sure to get you pup vaccinated when they’re due. In most instances your pup will have had its first 6 week vaccination by the time you get it home. Once it’s had the 10-12 week vaccination it can go out and about safely, however for reasons of duration of immunity it will also require a 14-16 week injection. The Eltham Veterinary Practice vaccination regime for puppys is below:

  • 6-8 weeks Distemper, Hepatitis & Parvovirus
  • 10-12 weeks Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza & Bordatella
  • 14-12 weeks Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus & Parainfluenza
  • ADULTS Annual boosters are required to maintain immunity.

** At Eltham Veterinary Practice we always use an oral Canine Cough Vaccine, which gives better immunity and avoids pain from the vaccine injection and vaccine site reactions.

 and 6 moParasite Prevention


In Victoria, puppies should be wormed every 4 weeks until 16 weeks of age then every 3 months for the rest of their life.  Many worms are invisible to the naked eye, so worming tablets should be administered regardless of whether worms are seen in the faeces.

Furthermore, roundworms are a significant human health hazard causing permanent sight loss in a number of children in Australia every year. We recommend using an all wormer, which are available as either a tablet or a chewable.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is transmitted between dogs via mosquitoes. Infection with heartworm is a potentially fatal disease where treatment can be expensive and not always successful.

We recommended starting prevention at 3months of age and continuing for the life of your pet. Proheart once yearly injections give you the security and “peace of mind” of knowing your dog’s covered, and not having to worry about forgetting a monthly dose.

Flea control

It is better to use a regular flea prevention treatment rather than letting an infestation develop as all pets will be exposed to fleas at some stage. Newer products are very safe and easy to use including, one monthly chewable tablets and spot ons, three montly chewable tablets and 6 monthly spot on. Please discuss with your veterinarian which option is best for your pet.

Remember that all pets in the household must be treated.


We recommend all pets other than those intended for breeding be desexed as Adolescents. Desexed pets are less likely to roam, fight and will significantly less health problems over the course of their life. The best age for desexing is 6-12 months of age and Eltham Veterinary Practice offers a free consultation to assess the ideal timing. There is no advantage in allowing females to have a heat or litter first.

Click here to find out more about desexing your pet.


Giving your puppy the best nutritional start in life is essential given that they grow so quickly during their first 12 -15 months. Our healthcare team can give you specific advice on feeding your dog, as a good quality balanced diet is essential for a long and healthy life.


Check list for your new Puppy

  1. A bed – perhaps even two (inside and outside); somewhere warm and quiet for your puppy to sleep and be calm.
  2. Puppy Food – If the puppy isn’t already on a Premium quality food, be sure to introduce them slowly so as not to upset their stomach. Eltham Veterinary Practice recommended Hills and Royal Canin premium pet foods.
  3. Two bowls – one for water and one for food.
  4. Crate – Crates are an ideal “den” for the pup and make house-training easier. Ask our trainer about Crate Training
  5. Play toys – Have a few toys that can be rotated regularly will help to prevent boredom. Chew toys – to help with teething.
  6. Collar, ID tag and lead – A soft puppy collar to prepare the pup for training and for hanging identification tags. Puppies can wear collars from 7-8 weeks.
  7. Poop bags and holder – to make cleaning-up easier.
  8. Treats – to reward good behaviour.
  9. Gentle Puppy Shampoo – to keep them beautiful. We sell Paw Gentle Puppy Shampoo.
  10. Brush, combs – for grooming medium and long haired dogs.
  11. Chew stop spray or similar product – Bitter Apple or Bitter Lime spray to prevent chewing on inappropriate things.
  12. Urineoff Odour/Stain neutraliser – for cleaning up the odd accident.
    13. Car harness/transport crate – to keep the pup safe in the car.

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