call 03 9439 8650book appointment

Emergency and critical care

If you have an emergency or are worried about your pet’s health, please contact us on 03 9439 8650 during business hours and we can assess the need for emergency treatment.

Business Hours Emergency

Remain calm.

Contact us prior to your arrival so we can provide immediate advice and prepare our team.

Advise our team if assistance is needed in moving your pet.

Owner cuddling her dog

After Hours Emergency

There are many advantages in using a specialist After-Hours Veterinary Hospital:

Their normal working day is 8.00pm until 8.00 am. ie the reverse of ours. Their Veterinarians and Nursing staff only work these hours, so they will be fresh, alert, and ready to look after to your pet.

The staff have had specific training in emergency medicine and critical care, hence they can provide all your pet’s emergency needs during those hours.

Your pet can then be discharged back to us the next morning if well enough. A complete medical record and history for ongoing care will be forwarded to us. This gives you continuity of care and ensures your pets health records remain complete at our practice.

Any critically ill patient in our care that needs to be constantly monitored can be transferred to an emergency centre for overnight care. This will mean your pet will have the best chance of a successful outcome.

If your pet needs to be seen after hours as an emergency, it will often need hospitalizing and constant monitoring as part of any treatment. By going to an emergency centre, this ensures that your pet has quality care 24 hours per day.

After-Hours Emergency Contacts

Centre for Animal Referral and Emergency (CARE)
03 9417 6417
5 Hood Street,
Collingwood 3066

Melbourne Animal Specialist Hospital (MASH)
1800 838 787
8 Maroondah Hwy,
Ringwood 3134

Animal Emergency Centre Mount Waverley
1300 232 838
37 Blackburn Road,
Mount Waverley, 3149

Animal Referral Hospital Essendon Fields
03 9379 0700
72 Hargrave Ave,
Essendon Fields  3041

Bundoora Veterinary Hospital
03 9467 2255
17/19 Plenty Road,
Bundoora  3083

Advanced Vetcare Kensington
03 9092 0400
26 Robertson St,
Kensington 3031

Ready Vet Go

0421 095 838
Melbourne’s Pet Ambulance & Mobile Vet Urgent Care